Monday 7 October 2013

Itchenor Sailing Club proud of performance and appearance

Itchenor Sailing Club, just back from its triumph in the World Championships (International 14 class), told Perry Club how their blazers cut a dash at the Royal Canadian Yacht Club from where the competition was held.

"We had two formal prize-givings, one for the team competition and one for individuals.  Our Perry blazers were out in force on both occasions," one team member told us.  This photo shows the great effect  these individually tailored fine woollen jackets created. They did justice to Itchenor's current success and its proud sailing heritage.

Normally team kit for a sailing regatta consists of t-shirts or polo shirts at best so these personalised Itchenor-branded blazers caused quite a stir setting the club apart from all the others and at the same time reinforcing the great sense of team spirit and community - vital ingredients at this level of competition.

Prize givings and formal dinners at the Royal Canadian Yacht Club, itself steeped in history and tradition, were the perfect occasions to show off these great clothes.  For more club news, follow us on Twitter @Clubblazer or on our Facebook page

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