Wednesday 16 July 2014

Attention to detail on and off the pitch for The London Metropolitan Police RFC

Triumph for the Metropolitan Police across the pond at The Liberty Cup Tournament in New York!

The London Met Police came away from the tournament with their heads held high after winning every match played, one of the members of the New York Police Department rugby team summed up their performance 'Thank you for your participation in Liberty Cup 2014. You displayed all that a well drilled and practiced team should on and off the field!! I look forward to your return in 2016!'

Perry Club congratulate the MPRFC on their performance and were proud to dress such a successful team for the event. The unique embroidery detailing of the blazers was an integral part of the design process for The Metropolitan Police. The detail included initials embroidered on the inside pocket of the blazer, and their unique club crest embroidered onto the breast pocket of the blazer. We look forward to working with The Met Police in the future!

#Libertycup #MPRFC #Metropolitanpolice #NYPD #NewYorkTour

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