Wednesday 16 April 2014

Precision, Coordination and Elegance

The Parmigiani Spirit Award – recognition of Rowing’s core values 

The Parmigiani Spirit Award will be presented to a University rower who has demonstrated the core values of rowing in their social, academic and sporting life. 

The award takes into consideration the core values of teamwork, fairness, natural, inclusive and enduring. Through these core values the rower also enabled or inspired exceptional success in other people's lives. Perry ensures these values are harnessed when creating a bespoke cloth specific to a team or club. Precision, coordination and elegance are qualities required in the sport of rowing, and are also an integral part of the service Perry Club provide their customers.

Perry Club support all applicants from British Universities and wish them the best of luck. To read more about the award and view the achievements of last year’s winner, James Cook visit

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