Rowing Blazers are a hit at Ralph Lauren launch
Rowing Blazers received a warm welcome at Ralph Lauren as
Jack Carlson launches his ‘Rowing Blazers’ coffee table book featuring Perry
Club. Ralph Lauren hosted a private party at No.1 New Bond Street last Thursday
evening for the launch of the book which is an insightful look at how blazers
are worn by oarsmen and women from across the globe.
ROWING BLAZERS by Jack Carlson looks
at the authentic striped, piped, trimmed, and badged blazers that are worn around the world today. Each university, school,
college, and club featured in the book are represented by a blazer-clad
rower or group of rowers including world champions, record holders, and
Olympians such as Sir Steve Redgrave.
The stunning original
photographs, many by “prep” guru F.E. Castleberry, are taken on location at
the historic boathouses, campuses, and team rooms of clubs in the United
States, Great Britain, the Netherlands, South Africa, New Zealand,
Australia, and beyond.
These portraits are accompanied by
thrilling action shots from Henley Royal Regatta, Head of the
Charles, the Olympic Games, and The Boat Race.
Perry Club highly recommend purchasing a copy, you can order online at
For updates on rowing blazers follow @clubblazer on Twitter
Images courtesy of Ralph Lauren and BoyMeetsFashion
#RowingBlazers #JackCarlson #HenleyRoyalRegatta #RalphLauren
@RalphLauren @JackLCarlson @RowingBlazers @fecastleberry